Sunday, September 11, 2011

a closer look at the Five most Important Consideration when Purchasing Art

1) What do you want the viewer to feel when they walk in the room the art work hangs?

     People rarely ask themselves this question, but it is important to consider before looking at art. If you choose a piece solely on it appropriateness to your decor, you have missed what art work can add to your environment. Art work can be the the work-horse in a room. It translates the room's energy to its occupants. For example, if your intention is to bring a feeling of tranquility to a room, you would not choose a painting dominated by reds and oranges, even if these colors are in your rugs and chairs.

     When I create a piece for my home I follow the same idea. The painting(see below) attached to this post is a case in point. I wanted to create an environment with powerful feminine energy. I created a painting with feminine images from my past; my great aunt made the red blouse, the gloves were from a 1960s outfit. I brought in the red blouse and juxtaposed it to the earthy hardword burnt umber floor. The floor color toned down the red but got the point across. The painting is my signature piece. It has hung in several places in my home.

     You do not need an art consultant or interior designer to decided the feeling you want to create in a room. Put thought into what you want to create prior to viewing any art work. If you do not find an appropriate piece, commission an artist to create one. Ask them if they can design a piece based on what you want to create. This is usually the best way to proceed. If you are working with a skilled intuitive artist, they will be able to produce a piece that will convey the feeling you want as well as work with your decor.

     Hope this was helpful. Let me know!

South End Gardens-part of Sassy Boston series

Hello All,

This oil painting is 18x24. It was created during the South End Garden Tour, June 2011. The under-painting was created on site and finished in my studio. It is part of my Sassy Boston Series. Log onto http://www.cattutidesigns/ to view the Sassy Boston Series.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paris Windows-decoupage

This decoupage piece start with my Paris Window painting (your can find it on my web site I painted the background of the canvas and added appropriate images. This is an excellent path for artists who want to make use of images they're created in a painting or other piece of art work. Price: $250.00,18x24.